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Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

#89 closed question

failed to generate Wgamma+2j with SM+AGC model — at Initial Version

Reported by: Generic User (don't modify these fields) Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: Unknown Version: 1.2.1
Keywords: Cc:


I am using Sherpa 1.2.1 in CMS software to generate Wgamma+2j with SM+AGC model. For a non-SM coupling point, I met the following error.

ThresholdMomenta out of bounds !h 18m 33s left ) -> ETA: Sat Jul 03 10:29 Channel_Elements::ThresholdMomenta 2 271.414125 100 49000000 99.9999999985 0 ThresholdMomenta out of bounds ! Channel_Elements::ThresholdMomenta 2 82.419 100 49000000 100 0 ThresholdMomenta out of bounds !7h 24m 46s left ) -> ETA: Sat Jul 03 10:45 Channel_Elements::ThresholdMomenta 1.5 158.629487823 6290.82860176 988232.589046 6290.82860176 0 Channel_Elements::DiceYForward(0.00192900298502,{-8.98847e+307,0,-8.98847e+307,0,0},{-3.12538,3.12538,0.644848}): Y out of bounds !

ymin, ymax vs. y : -3.12538 3.12538 vs. -3.12538

Setting y to lower bound ymin=-3.12538 WARNING in Phase_Space_Handler::OneEvent() : too many trials for 2_4GdbPnu_tautau+ub

Efficiency = 0.00140930775169 %.

Sherpa: Matrix_Element_Handler::GenerateUnweightedEvent throws fatal error:

No weight information.

Exception_Handler::GenerateStackTrace(..): Generating stack trace {

0xf7c32637 in 'ATOOLS::Terminate()' (Exception_Handler.C:131) 0x804b151 in 'main' (Main.C:82)

} Exception_Handler::Terminate(): Pre-crash status saved to '/home/ncucms/work/CMSSW_3_6_2/src/MySherpa/Wgamma_2j_k15_l00/ test/SHERPATMP/StatusSat_Jul3_03-44-39_2010'.

Run.dat and logs are attached.

Change History (2)

Changed 15 years ago by Generic User (don't modify these fields)

Attachment: Run.dat added

Changed 15 years ago by Generic User (don't modify these fields)

Attachment: sherpa_test_logL.tgz added
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