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Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

#90 closed defect (fixed)

Total inclusive jet cross section

Reported by: Generic User (don't modify these fields) Owned by: Frank Siegert
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Unknown Version: 1.2.1
Keywords: Cc:

Description (last modified by Frank Siegert)

Dear Sherpa Team,

I run the Sherpa for inclusive jet production @7TeV using the following Run.dat


  DECAYMODEL    = Hadrons



  BEAM_1          = 2212
  BEAM_ENERGY_1   = 3500.
  BEAM_2          = 2212
  BEAM_ENERGY_2   = 3500.
  MI_HANDLER    = Amisic
  SCALE_MIN     = 2.0745

Process 93 93 -> 93 93 93{2};
   Order_EW 0; CKKW sqr(20/E_CMS);
   Max_N_Quarks 4;

   Integration_Error 0.02 {2};
   Enhance_Function pow(PPerp2(p[2]),2) {2};

   Integration_Error 0.03 {3};
   Enhance_Function pow(max(PPerp2(p[2]),PPerp2(p[3]),PPerp2(p[4])),2) {3};
   Enhance_Factor 4 {3};

   Integration_Error 0.04 {4};
   Enhance_Function pow(max(PPerp2(p[2]),PPerp2(p[3]),PPerp2(p[4]),PPerp2(p[5])),2) {4};
   Enhance_Factor 16 {4};

End process;

  NJetFinder 2 25.0 0 1

I get slightly different results for total cross section, if I run it with MI_HANDLER=Amisic and MI_HANDLER=None options. The difference is ~2.2%, but the accuracy of calculation is ~0.7%. So, it look like a systematic effect, rather than statistical fluctuation.

So, my question is whether such a difference is expected or there is a bug in my steering?

I have attached the logs from the two runs.

Thank you in advance, Pavel

Attachments (1)

SherpaOutput.tgz (189.6 KB) - added by Generic User (don't modify these fields) 15 years ago.
log files

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Change History (7)

Changed 15 years ago by Generic User (don't modify these fields)

Attachment: SherpaOutput.tgz added

log files

comment:1 Changed 15 years ago by Frank Siegert

Description: modified (diff)
Owner: changed from Frank Krauss to Frank Siegert
Status: newassigned

I'm trying whether I can reproduce this with Sherpa trunk over night.

comment:2 Changed 15 years ago by Frank Siegert

I can reproduce it indeed with the following additional findings:

  • Hadronisation doesn't play a role, the UE alone makes the difference
  • This happens only with the 2->4 included, not if I use only 93 93 -> 93 93 93{1}
  • I've tried with a pure 2->4 run (without merging) and don't see any problem, but here the fluctuations are also bigger after 1M weighted events:
    2.32744e+06 pb +- ( 99792.7 pb = 4.28 % )    (no UE) vs.
    2.48211e+06 pb +- ( 124733 pb = 5.02 % )     (with UE)
  • The integrated cross sections are not affected, and even if I use the same Results directory for both runs the generated cross section shows the strange behaviour.

So it seems to come from the jet veto in the shower, but I don't quite understand yet why the MPI should have an influence on that. The effect is very small, so it's quite hard to debug.

comment:3 Changed 15 years ago by Frank Siegert

Type: questiondefect

We think this is understood now: When MPI are on, the beam remnant phase happens to request event retries in a few percent of the events (due to colour). At this stage the shower had already passed a jet veto (which would reduce the cross section) but now it has the possibility to fail the jet veto once more in the same event. In this way a small but noticable reduction of the cross section is introduced.

The solution is to not re-generate the shower evolution in such cases but keep it and only retry the MPI and beam remnant phases. Will try to implement that tomorrow such that it makes it into 1.2.2.

Thanks for reporting the issue.

comment:4 Changed 15 years ago by Frank Siegert

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Implemented on trunk. This will be part of Sherpa 1.2.2 which is in validation right now and will be released tomorrow if all goes well.

comment:5 Changed 13 years ago by Frank Siegert

Milestone: rel-old

comment:6 Changed 11 years ago by Stefan Hoeche

Milestone: old

Milestone old deleted

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as closed The owner will remain Frank Siegert.

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