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Opened 8 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

#373 new defect

Soft_Photon_Handler crashes when boosting decay blob

Reported by: Enrico Bothmann Owned by: marek
Priority: critical Milestone: rel-2.3.0
Component: QED Radiation Version: 0.trunk
Keywords: Cc:

Description (last modified by Enrico Bothmann)

On trunk r30716, the Z production example (see simplified attached run card) crashes during event generation in


As of r30716, on line 81, because the original momentum P has not been set in the passed blob. So the root of the problem might actually be in SHERPA::Resonance_Finder::FillBlob.

Attachments (3)

Run.dat (869 bytes) - added by Enrico Bothmann 8 years ago.
Run.log (2.4 MB) - added by Enrico Bothmann 8 years ago.
Run.2.dat (642 bytes) - added by Enrico Bothmann 7 years ago.
W LO+PS example

Change History (5)

Changed 8 years ago by Enrico Bothmann

Attachment: Run.dat added

Changed 8 years ago by Enrico Bothmann

Attachment: Run.log added

comment:1 Changed 8 years ago by Enrico Bothmann

Description: modified (diff)

comment:2 Changed 7 years ago by Enrico Bothmann

This crash still happens as of r31483, at the 4th event, using an even simpler W production example at LO+PS production. See attached run card.

Changed 7 years ago by Enrico Bothmann

Attachment: Run.2.dat added

W LO+PS example

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