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Opened 8 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#372 new defect

fsrchannels libraries do not compile for same-sign pp->WWjj

Reported by: marek Owned by: Stefan Hoeche
Priority: major Milestone: rel-2.3.0
Component: ME Generator Version: 2.2.1
Keywords: Cc:

Description (last modified by marek)

In the RS to same-sign pp->llnunujj the default integrator (AMEGIC_RS_INTEGRATOR 7) produces libraries that do not compile. It appears that the problem is that variable "p0_82" is written out in 4 out of the 400 channels. Likely it should be named "p0_28", as this one is defined and used in all other channels. Thus, the ordering possibly does not work.

The problem occurs only for channels written by Channel_Generator_UniV (used by default integrator 7), but neither for Channel_Generator3V and Channel_Generator3_NPV (used by integrator 6) nor for Channel_Generator and Channel_Generator_NPV (used by integrators 4 and 5). Upon initial inspection though, the respective methods appear to just be copies of one another and, thus, the same. I must be overlooking something.

A simple run card to reproduce the problem is:


  BEAM_1 2212; BEAM_ENERGY_1 6500;
  BEAM_2 2212; BEAM_ENERGY_2 6500;


  SCALES VAR{4.*sqr(80.4)};

  Process -3 21 -> -11 -13 12 14 1 -4 -2;
  Order (*,6);
  NLO_QCD_Mode Fixed_Order;
  NLO_QCD_Part RS;
  End process;

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comment:1 Changed 8 years ago by marek

Description: modified (diff)

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