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Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

#98 closed defect

Event generation after reading integration results very inefficient — at Version 1

Reported by: Frank Siegert Owned by: Stefan Hoeche
Priority: critical Milestone:
Component: Unknown Version: 1.2.2
Keywords: Cc:

Description (last modified by Frank Siegert)

Event generation takes significantly longer if previously stored integration results are read-in instead of integrated anew. I am attaching a run card and two corresponding log files, one for event generation directly after integration (4829 s / 5000 events) and one for event generation after reading in the results (14024 s / 5000 events).

The setup is:

  • Z+0,1,2,3,4 jets, I can't see a similarly drastic difference for Z+0,1,2,3 jets and if I remember correctly also not for exclusive Z+4 jets (but that one I am trying to reproduce currently).
  • Unweighted events (I'm currently running a test whether the same happens for weighted events)
  • Enhance factors for the higher multis (that's why the events take so long in first place)
  • Comix with multi-threading (in both runs)

It might be interesting to note the development of the time estimate in the read-in log, as there seems to be some kind of optimisation happening in the beginning, which doesn't seem to be present in the run with integration?

Change History (4)

Changed 15 years ago by Frank Siegert

Attachment: Run.dat added

Changed 15 years ago by Frank Siegert

Attachment: integrate.log added

Changed 15 years ago by Frank Siegert

Attachment: readin.log added

comment:1 Changed 15 years ago by Frank Siegert

Description: modified (diff)
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