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Opened 16 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

#48 closed defect

Crash when generating gamma+jets — at Initial Version

Reported by: Generic User (don't modify these fields) Owned by:
Priority: critical Milestone:
Component: Unknown Version: 1.1.3
Keywords: Cc:,


We are trying to generate gamma+jets events at the LHC. I have attached the RUNDATA. The problem is that this works for us in 1.1.2, but crashes in 1.1.3 with the message below. I am also attaching a RUNDATA file that seems to work with 1.1.3. Simply changing the process from 11 -11 93(1) to 22 23 93(1) in the Run-LHC.dat also crashes, with the same stack trace, albeit with a longer error message.

Sherpa: Simple_Chain::Initialize throws critical error:

Grid creation failed.

Exception_Handler::GenerateStackTrace(..): Generating stack trace (adapted from ROOT version 3.10) {

0xe5e68c in '_ZN6ATOOLS17Exception_Handler18GenerateStackTraceERSobRKSs'

from '/opt/ppd/atlas/jstrube/locallib/SHERPA-MC/'

0xe5feb4 in '_ZN6ATOOLS17Exception_Handler9TerminateEv'

from '/opt/ppd/atlas/jstrube/locallib/SHERPA-MC/'

0xe61a2c in '_ZN6ATOOLS9TerminateEv'

from '/opt/ppd/atlas/jstrube/locallib/SHERPA-MC/'

0x0 in '<unknown>'

from '/usr/lib/'

0x0 in '<unknown>'

from '/usr/lib/'

0x80498c4 in 'main'

from 'Sherpa'

0x5fc0d10 in 'libc_start_main'

from '/lib/tls/'

0x80497bc in 'gxx_personality_v0'

from 'Sherpa'

} Exception_Handler::Terminate(): Pre-crash status saved to '/opt/ppd/atlas/jstrube/Higgs_studies/gammabb-z/StatusWed_Mar_25_10-20-53_2009'. Exception_Handler::Exit: Exiting Sherpa with code (1) Return_Value::PrintStatistics(): Statistics {

Generated events: 0


Change History (3)

Changed 16 years ago by Generic User (don't modify these fields)

Attachment: Run-LHC.dat added

This RUNDATA crashes as is, but works when changing the process back to 11 -11 93(1)

Changed 16 years ago by Generic User (don't modify these fields)

Attachment: Run-gammabb-z-analysis.dat added

This RUNDATA used to work for us in 1.1.2

Changed 16 years ago by Generic User (don't modify these fields)

Attachment: error.Run-LHC.log added

The message we get when running Run-LHC.dat as attached

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