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Opened 10 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

#353 new defect

LHC V+jets example using OpenLoops doesn't converge

Reported by: Steffen Schumann Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: rel-2.2.0
Component: Unknown Version: 0.trunk
Keywords: Cc:

Description (last modified by Frank Siegert)

Using the run card from V_plus_Jets/LHC_ZJets with OpenLoops at LOOPGEN already the lowest multi process doesn't converge

Process_Group::CalculateTotalXSec(): Calculate xs for '2_2__j__j__l__l__QCD(BVI)' (Amegic)
Starting the calculation at 22:16:46. Lean back and enjoy ... .
1.61551e+06 pb +- ( 1.55753e+06 pb = 96.4112 % ) 5000 ( 7600 -> 65.7 % )
full optimization:  ( 3m 40s elapsed / 3h 55m 32s left ) [22:20:27]   
1.12843e+06 pb +- ( 939054 pb = 83.218 % ) 10000 ( 12746 -> 97.1 % )
full optimization:  ( 7m 22s elapsed / 3h 52m 19s left ) [22:24:09]   
2.5422e+06 pb +- ( 1.72993e+06 pb = 68.0484 % ) 15000 ( 17754 -> 99.8 % )

Is this reproducible by anyone else might there be some latest setting/switch missing?


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Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 10 years ago by Frank Siegert

Description: modified (diff)

Hi Steffen,

I have just integrated this run card with minimal changes (BlackHat -> OpenLoops, LHC 7 TeV, MASSIVE[13]=1 to use only electrons), and it's working fine. Is this a fresh setup of Sherpa and ol? What happens if you use LOOPGEN:=Internal and USE_DUMMY_VIRTUAL=1?

Cheers, Frank

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