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Opened 10 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

#323 closed question

Beginner question: running the "Z+Jets at the LHC" example — at Version 1

Reported by: Flip Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: rel-2.2.0
Component: Unknown Version: 2.1.1
Keywords: Cc:

Description (last modified by anonymous)

Greetings, my apologies for the very basic question. I have been trying to follow the first example in the Sherpa 2.1.1 manual "Z+Jets at the LHC."

I did my best to follow the steps in the manual following installation. Following Section 2.2.1 of the manual, I go into the <prefix>/share/SHERPA-MC/Examples/V_plus_Jets/LHC_ZJets/ directory and then running <prefix>/bin/Sherpa . I get the following errors among the output:

Library_Loader::LoadLibrary(): Failed to load library 'libProc_P2_2_2_6_24_16_5_0.dylib'.
Sherpa: Single_Virtual_Correction::SelectLoopProcess throws not implemented: 
   Couldn't find virtual ME for this process.
Exception_Handler::Terminate(): Pre-crash status saved to '/Users/fliptomato/Documents/Code/SHERPA-MC-2.1.1/share/SHERPA-MC/Examples/V_plus_Jets/LHC_ZJets/Status__Thu_Sep_11_11-02-15_2014'.
Exception_Handler::Exit: Exiting Sherpa with code (1)

Have I done something wrong or installed incorrectly? I'm running using OS X.

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 10 years ago by anonymous

Description: modified (diff)

This has helped with issues on the site!

Last edited 3 years ago by anonymous (previous) (diff)
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