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Ticket #260: dirent.patch

File dirent.patch, 591 bytes (added by David Hall <>, 11 years ago)

Patch fixes DIRENT_TYPE macro for OS X 10.8 and later

  • PDF/LHAPDF/LHAPDF_Fortran_Interface.C

    old new  
    1111#include <dirent.h>
    1212#include <cstring>
    14 #ifdef ARCH_LINUX
    15 #define DIRENT_TYPE const dirent
    16 #else
     14#ifdef DARWIN
     15#if __MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED < __MAC_10_8
    1716#define DIRENT_TYPE dirent
    18 #endif
     18#define DIRENT_TYPE const dirent
     19#endif // Lion or earlier
     20#else //DARWIN
     21#define DIRENT_TYPE const dirent
     22#endif //DARWIN
    2024#ifndef _D_EXACT_NAMLEN
    2125#define _D_EXACT_NAMLEN(ENTRY) ENTRY->d_namlen